Monday, May 6, 2013

Confession Time...

I wrestled with the idea of posting this blog for several days but ultimately decided to because I want people to understand more about me and my journey to becoming healthy.

I was born into a alcohol dependent family. Everyone drank and not on just special occasions, so it was no surprise to me when I started drinking at the early age of 14. Social drinking was the norm where I grew up and it was rather easy to obtain as I had a very understanding parent.

At the age of 19 I joined the Army and off I went to training. My drinking opportunities were understandably few and far in between so when the chance arose, I would use the time to get falling down drunk. Once at my permanent duty station I had several roommates that were of age so again drinking was easy and also being stationed in southern California it was quite easy to just go across the border and party.

On my 21st birthday my fellow soldiers and I went on a 2 day bender to celebrate and my drink of choice became Corona with a fresh slice of lime in it. Even after the service this continued to be my favorite beer though I did drink others when the need arose due to money and such.

My drinking continued to get heavier and while in college I am embarrassed to say that I would have to hide a six-pack of beer in my backpack and go to the bathrooms and drink just to get through class.

After graduation I got engaged and my drinking continued but I was lucky to have a woman that understood though that would change.

On one particular evening during an Eagles game I went to a new time low. I punched threw a door, threw a chair across the room when my team lost. Now my wife(as were married at this point) was expecting with our daughter and this was the straw that finally broke.

She confronted me and gave me an ultimatum, either it was my drinking or her and the baby. This is when I knew what I was, an alcoholic. There was no hesitation at all and I vowed to her to never drink again and take it one day at a time.

It has now been 7 years and I am still sober. I don't regret the decision to quite drinking and have no desire to even have it. There are still places that I can't go (bars and such) while being by myself because the know the temptation is there. I have lost friends due to my choice but am a better person without it.

Why am I telling this story? Well if you follow my face book page on a regular basis you will know that I have recently began drinking lemon/lime water and other fruit/herb infused waters. Well most of the time my wife has made the waters for me for one reason or another but this weekend I poured the last glass and decided to make more.

I cut the lemons up, squeezed them and put them in the water and then cut up the limes and did the same. It was when I smelled my hands with the fresh lime all over them that the urge was there and I found my hands even shaking. My wife walked into the kitchen to see this and asked what was wrong. I told her and she and I just talked and she finished making the water for me.

It was truly then that I realized that I will forever be a recovering alcoholic and that I must be very careful.